On Tuesday, November 22nd I flew to Ohio to be with my younger brother, Santos who was scheduled for surgery. Due to an infection he was battling, the surgery was postponed and didn't happen till Thursday, December 1st. Santos was in the ICU at the Cleveland Clinic being treated for a C. diff bacteria and faced a few challenges. He needed a temporary pacemaker installed as well as continuous dialysis.
Santos and my sister in law Teresa the day before surgery
Surgery was 11 hours long and the waiting was just excruciating. I'm glad I was there to provide some support to my mother and my sister in law Teresa. Santos had a double bypass, a heart valve replaced, some "cleaning" of the heart due to an abscess and a pacemaker installed. Thankfully he was intubated the morning of 12/5/11 and is breathing on this own. We are more than optimistic of his recovery. I can't thank enough the family and friends who called, said prayers and were just there for my family.
I returned home to California on December 3rd and will appreciate your continued good wishes, good thoughts, and prayers as Santos faces a challenging recovery.